Thursday, January 7, 2021

I'm so sick of hearing "be a good person"

When God made everything, it was good. It was perfect, it was created exactly how it should be, it was just right. 
But since the fall of man and woman (Adam and Eve), humanity is naturally bad... not good. 
And actually, there is no such thing as being a “good person”. 
This bothers me so much because the only thing that is actually good is God. Nothing else is or can be good, because goodness comes from positive morality, and man is morally stained. 

This blog does a great job of breaking down specific verses and explaining what they mean about goodness. 

The definition of good indicates a need for someone else outside of us to approve of us.. and morally inept humanity cannot give true approval, since what we approve of will be sin stained to some degree. And having an advantage of some sort also means that there has to be some sort of man made totem pole of morality, also. So good is, really, a relative term. 


Now there are positive people, yes! There are courageous people, humble, generous, loving people. But there are no good people. 

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