Wednesday, May 29, 2019

In the Beginning- John 1:1-3

In the beginning, the Word was already there.
the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 
He was with God in the beginning. 
All things were made through him. (NIRV) John 1:1-3


In the beginning..
at the beginning of everything
before anything, even time, existed
just.. nothingness

The Word was there already. The Word was with God and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning..
He..The Word.. was God and was with God..
He is Jesus.. 
so from the beginning God was already a multiple entity.. So Jesus, the Father, and the Spirit.. were all already there in the beginning.. 

The only thing was ever, has ever been, and will ever be completely present in any form of existence at any given time.. is God.. in all 3 forms. 

All things were made through him. 
Every single thing on this earth, seen and unseen, were created by the trinity. 

This is a statement. 
This is not a question, this is not a teaching, hoping you're listening and writing it down and hoping you remember it sometime in your future. 

No. This is a historical statement. 
Without a doubt, this man named John.. the first thing he writes in the portion of scripture that he is entrusted to write.. is the God has been, is now and always will be.. a trinity.. and everywhere at once, and all powerful. 

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