Wednesday, May 15, 2019

God has created you for great things.

"God has created you for great things, and He doesn't want you to be afraid to step out."

I saw this quote in my recent Joyce Meyers magazine.

I believe He has.

I believe He created a love for people in my soul.
I believe He created a love for music in my heart.
I believe He put within me a love for the written word.

I know he gave Moses the words to speak because Moses wasn't good with words.
I know God will give me the right things to write about.

His words will flow through my fingers.

But what if you don't know what your calling is?
What if you don't know your passion?
What if you need direction?

It's so amazing that He is so openly and readily available to talk to.
I think the most frustrating thing about faith and prayer is the fact that we have to wait on His timing.

In our culture now, everything is so automatic. We get upset when things don't happen quickly; and I'm talking like 10 seconds. If it's not done in seconds it's like "come on, slow poke... hurry up. omgosh you took 30 seconds to load. MOM, we need a new computer! This one is slow!"

It bothers me.
Patience is a virtue (possess it if you can. seldom found in women, and never found in man). lol. I love that little blip.

But seriously.
Learning to tap into who we are and finding our passions and following the avenues we are supposed to take.. it's hard.

But believe it.
God has created you for good things..
and it's SCARY!
But if we follow through, trust Him, and stay close to Him, things will make sense and show up!

Faith being tested is the hardest thing in life.
Where is your faith? in yourself or your Maker?

I'm fearful, yes, but i'm striving on.
Someday.. my writing, my words on paper, will make some sort of impact, and i may not even know. All I know is He wants to use my voice for people to hear.

So I continue to write.

"I think many things in life can be an adventure and it doesn't have to involve travel. Step out of the norm and take the chances that help you grow no matter how old you become." Penny E

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