Friday, May 24, 2019

Love your neighbor as you love yourself

The greatest Commandment

You shall
Love the LORD your GOD
with all your heart,
and with all your soul,
and with all your mind.

The second is this.

You shall
Love your Neighbor as yourself. 

Matthew 22:37, 39

negative love- keeping yourself in a relationship that's unhealthy. 

positive love- choosing to do good things for your body. 

whatever you do for yourself, you will do for others.
however you treat yourself, it will rub off.

what you put in your mind
what you put on your body
what you say and do in your own home, in your own closet, in your own fridge, in your own mirror
the music you hear
the words that you hear and speak

LOVE itself comes from a core of faith and truth.
we cannot truly love unless we believe in, we tether to, and we have a foundation for it to grow.

if we have an unhealthy relationship with ourselves, we cannot have a healthy or good relationship with someone else. 

and sometimes that means, separating ourselves from others for a while to learn to be good to ourselves, to change, to grow, and then reconnect 

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