The church is here to preach, not just to be nice, helpful people.
We are to be a light, to lead, to tell everyone we come in contact with about the truth we know.
We weren't meant to walk on eggshells.
We were mean to conquer a path of coals. Stomp out the fire.
We have to work on having more faith.. optimism is not faith, faith is a spirit. Do we listen to the Spirit?
People move in the direction of their dominant friends.
Who do you surround yourselves with?
Are these individuals you can trust? Individuals you can share your voice with? Individuals who will pick you up and guide you in the way of truth when you fall?
Problems= challenges that give you the environment for your faith to show up.
Problems are not a bad thing.
Problems are a chance to grow and change.
When you squeeze something, whatever is in it will come out.
What is in you?
When you are squeezed, what comes out?
Distraction is the result of a broken focus.
Where is your focus?
There are so many things that distract us, that can pull us this way and that way.
If you need to refocus, make it a priority.
Your FOCUS will lead you in the DIRECTION of your FAITH.
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