So this week, on the Apple watch workout app, there was a challenge to get in your 30 minutes of exercise each day from Feb 8-14, it was a Valentine's week challenge. So it's definitely been something I wouldn't normally push myself to do and i'm definitely finding that my limits are.. I definitely have more limits than i used to.
This wouldn't have been an issue for me a few years ago, before EDS really started to hit me hard. But i'm finding this week that pushing myself to do the 30 minutes of exercise every day has been
1. making me a lot more tired.
I've had to nap every day.. sometimes It was a 1 hour nap, sometimes.. like yesterday, I laid down for like 3-4 hours, in and out of sleep, and i still didn't feel rested at the end, but at least it gave me enough to get through to bed time.
2. basically it's drained my energy.
3. This week i've been craving more fatty foods, probably because i'm burning calories, i'm burning fat, and my body is like "What's going on?" so i've been craving more fatty foods. That has also been slowing down my digestion, so even though i'm still eating veggies and still taking my miralax, i have not been pooping as much, and i can feel it in my lower back. i feel like i have stool that just is sitting there, seems like i'm becoming constipated again because my body doesn't know what to do with all this movement.
4. the instability in my knees has been terrible, my hips have been really bad (painful), i've had a lot more pain my toes, also flaring up my Morton's Neuroma quite a bit.
5. i've felt more nauseous basically every day.
6. also my period was a week late, and it's very light. that could have to do with the fact that my daughter was also on hers this last week, but at the same time, my body has done so much more these last 7 days than i'm used to. it definitely threw it off.
7. because i was so tired and in pain, that actually cost me 1 of my PT sessions and it also cost me my.. um.. (why can't i think of it, what's it called?) .. speech therapy sessions. I called it off on Monday I think maybe partially because of weather, but i also wasn't feeling good. We rescheduled it to Wednesday at 11:30, which I accidentally put it in my calendar for 1:30. So that was a mishap because I wasn't thinking straight and I was too tired. So that sucks.
learning when and when not to challenge myself, or a healthy amount of challenge. knowing what kind of challenge i can do, i am not going to do exercise challenges after this, unless it's something i know i can achieve, or that might be slightly off of what i'm used to, just seeing what my body can actually do.. this was kind of a red flag in the beginning but i was like, you know i'm gonna see if i can do it. and then it became this "i'm gonna do it, i'm gonna do it". and then i got encouragement from other people "you can do it, you can do it". and i need to be more mindful of my limits.
so challenges like "how many veggies can you eat in a week" or "how much water can you drink in a week" or "how clean can you get the house in a week". stuff like that. all the while being mindful of how my body and my mind are receiving this information, because this is a new chapter in my life, and i need to be mindful of how i am physically and mentally doing. because that's where i am. i need to mentally and physically take better care of myself.. and know my limits.
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