Rules - are clear cut things we are to follow.
If we don’t follow rules, we can get in trouble.
Rules are like the police who pulls us over and gives us a ticket because we made the wrong decision, intentional or not.
Guidelines - are ideas of the general way we should go or thing that’s normally done.
There’s a guideline of wearing an undershirt with a sweater, but not everyone wears undershirts.
And that’s okay.
For me it’s not, but that’s my choice.
Pirates of the Caribbean - “parlay”
The rules set forth originally by a certain pirate king, turned into guidelines throughout time.
Pirates don’t follow rules. ;)
That's an awesome insight. I've never thought about that distinction. It's so clear when you say it that way though. Do you create rules where you need them, and where rules don't yet exist in order to maintain some framework?
It’s super hard, almost impossible, for my create my own rules. I’m a rule follower, so therefore, I need some type of framework to work off of. I can create general ideas of what works for a guideline, but as rules go, I have to hear someone say something as a rule, and then I can decide if that rule applies to my life, and if it’s necessary.
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