Wednesday, February 3, 2021

"doing my Fathers work" on Youtube?

 So today I felt the need to do the youtube video of the second part of a study on Proverbs. 

I have had something telling me lately that I need to open my Bible and read the underlined and highlighted parts and notes that I've left in it from the last 25 years that I've owned it and used it. 

And today (I'm part of a Bible study this week from Angela Kline called The SHeroes Rise) I was supposed to be in the FB page at noon for this, and I felt like it was the wrong place for me to be. Like I needed to be recording the second part of the Proverbs series. 

So I did. 
And then when I was done, I checked in with the Facebook group for the Bible study.. and topic.. BAM. 
It was about women in ministry. 
Johnny Enlow said "women in ministry have so much to give!"

Talk about... being where I should be. And grateful that I listened to the voice in me telling me to do the video, even when I felt the need to be somewhere that I had PLANNED on being. 

This reminded me, also, of the Bible story where Jesus was a young boy and he stayed behind in the temple to talk to the elders while his parents went off with other people where they planned on being. They freaked out and ran back to find him, and when they did they asked "what were you thinking? we were worried sick!" He just looked at them and asked, point blank, "why were you worried? you know I'm meant to be about my Fathers' business." 

When we, as Christians, have a calling on our lives, and sometimes we plan for something that's supposed to help us grow and learn in that faith walk.. but God (as Angela Kline says) calls us somewhere else, that doesn't mean that the plan we had was bad. It means that the plan He has is greater. 

I have no idea who is going to watch this video on Proverbs that I am editing. 
But something is meant to come from it. 
Even if it's just me learning to listening and obey. 

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