Truth - the quality or state of being true.
That which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.
A fact or belief that is accepted as true.
Truth is not fact.
And reality is not truth.
So when people say they have their own reality or their own truth.. they are, in fact, not making sense.
Because Truth is universal.. fact is based on truth.
You can’t have your own truth.. truth is indefinite.
You can have your own reality, so to speak. But creating your own reality doesn’t mean that’s what going on in the world, that means you made your own little bubble so you don’t have to listen to or deal with or pay attention to what’s going on around you.
And that’s okay!
But it also make you naive’ and vulnerable to a lot of things. Things that you don’t even know effect you. Even if the big picture doesn’t have an effect on you, the trickle down will.
Jesus said “you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free”. He was speaking of himself, because he, as part of God the Trinity, was and is the truth. So if you know Jesus, you will find freedom. You will find spiritual freedom.
Socrates said that Greek truth (aletheia) is a compression of the phrase ‘a wandering that is divine’. How do you find truth in wandering?
I understand finding truth in the reverence of nature and life AS you wander, but wandering itself isn’t truth. It may, however, be the pursuit of truth.
One way to find truth is to look at the opposite of truth.. lies. What do we find in lies, or that lies DO NOT possess, that leads to the truth? There is always a shred of truth in a lie, because it is based on some idea that lead to the desire to tell the opposite.
Some people will look at a spectrum of truths. NOTICE THE ‘S’ at the end. This is not looking for truth.. this is looking for pieces of it in other forms that might eventually form a complete idea. Truths in race, sexuality, mental disorders, ideas, these are where people get issues for their own realities. But this does not lead to an ultimate truth. This leads to people creating their own bubbles of life where they are happy, but not living in truth. They are happy in an of themselves, but have allowed themselves to push aside anything that denies they are creating a life of lies.
“The theory of truth”..
truth is not a theory. Truth is a statement. Truth is an absolute. Truth is indefinite. The hardest thing about truth and finding it is we have to put aside who we think we are ourselves and allow ourselves to listen and learn and apply.
Truth is in the Bible.
That is the only place truth completely exists.