I saw this reference come up in the comments when I tuned in to Bethany Assembly's Facebook Live SOAP session they do right now every weekday morning.
Someone posted this reference, and I had to check it out.
Ok.. yes.
So.. have you read Hebrews 5? I mean lately. Recently. Because it's totally talking about Christianity right now. People who would profess to know what God wants and how he speaks to us and thinking that we know how to listen to Him, etc.
In this reference we are reminded of when we, as regular people, could not talk to God himself yet, and there was a priest who would take all prayers to God for us, and he himself also being human, had to have his own sins atoned for before he could present other people's sins to God, because at that point, the thinking was that there still had to be a sacrifice of something pure and sinless (perfect lamb).
Now we have that in Christ! HE is the perfect lamb, and his life and death atoned for all sins for all time.
But in this passage, it's saying that there is still so much to say about what Christ did for us, but we have become so accustomed to hearing the same things over and over again, it has just become noise in our ears. We aren't hearing it like we should. It's hard for us to hear the truths of God anymore because we are basically ignoring it. We don't TRY to understand it anymore, we have become complacent and almost like it's unnecessary.
Another part of the passage says we need to become like children again, and start back at the place of drinking milk, because even though we should be taking in steak, we are lazy and we almost don't care.
We need to get back to basics in our faith, and open our ears and listen again. Realize that we aren't hearing what we need to hear.
There is so much we still don't know about God and about what He has for us and who HE IS!
Please take the time to tune out the noise of the world, and listen to the voices that God has placed around you to teach you, because right now... you're treating it just like a buzzing in your ear.. something incessant and bothersome that you don't want to hear about anymore.
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