Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Wounded Woman- Embraced by God's Healing Presence

So i've been reading through a book called The Wounded Woman, it's written by a Christian author so I can easily understand where they are coming from and how they process through things with their faith in Christ.

The part I read this morning was radical for me, and really made me realize some things about my own personal trauma processes. It's going to be hard for me to summarize these things, so i'm just going to copy these paragraphs word for word, and then give you a recap of my "Ahah!'s" at the end. I'm also going to ad underlines and markings where things stuck out to me, so you can see my processing of this information.

This book is about struggling with a working through the many challenges that can cause wounds and pain in our lives. It's definitely one i would recommend, i found mine on Amazon! And better yet, my local Christian book store price matched it and ordered it for me. :)

Here goes!

    Even though we may believe God is with us, sometimes it's a struggle to sense His presence -- particularly when we experience a dark night of the soul. Pain has a way of blunting our awareness of God's nearness--just when we need that assurance the most. In our efforts to cope, we can become so preoccupied with the human realm-- what we see, taste, feel, and hear--that we lose sight of the spirit realm. We forget that the very essence of who we are is spirit. 
    God has resources to meet our needs that can only be accessed in and through His Spirit. It's safe to say that many times we don't experience God's provision because we don't tap into His supply line. Instead, we act as if we have to make our own way and our healing is all up to us. We recoil in our pain, pulling away from others and from God. In our self-reliance we assume that if we hold to a list of dos and don'ts and execute the right combination of self-help strategies, then things will get better. 
    I supposed this is one way to approach recovery.
    But not a very good one.
    In my personal and professional experience, this sort of attitude can end up prolonging and complication the healing process. Recovery efforts apart from God's healing grace typically deliver less than satisfying results. 
    The breakthroughs were supernatural. That's the only way I can explain it. They came as wounded women spent time alone with God, crying out to Him in their pain, praying for wisdom and insight, reading His Word, and asking Him to do the impossible.
    **And He has. Again and again and again.**
    💚In my one personal season of suffering, it has been my interactions with God that have accelerated more healing than anything else. Significant exchanges occurred between my spirit and God's Spirit when we met together. Healing came as I purged tension from my body and soul through prayers wakes. It came through reading His Word and taking time to listen to what God said to me as we fellowshipped together in my darkness. It came as He realigned my feelings with my faith. Had I not intentionally and regularly opened my heart to the Spirit of God, I'd probably still be immobilized by overwhelming sadness and fear.💚

Just read it over and over again. 
What an amazing feeling of freedom I have from my traumatic experiences. 
      If I have not followed the voice (my instinct, what God's spirit was speaking into my soul) to reach out to certain people and to listen to what they had to say, and to push through my fear of speaking and asking for help, I would still be stuck with these problems from my past weighing me down. Depression is a real thing. Anxiety is a real thing. And these are so amplified by the devil talking to us about our fears.. It's almost impossible to break free of it without spiritual guidance.
     We aren't meant to do it alone.
     We are meant to reach out and surround ourselves with like-minded people who can be uplifting and be confidant's.

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