Thursday, March 21, 2019


I am..


I am slender.

I am healthy but I am sick.

I am intelligent.

I struggle, I am depressed and anxious.

I am a good mother.

I am the best I can be and I always want to be better.
Tomorrow is a new day.

Though we don't know when our last breath will be, I will continue to move forward.

Sometimes I get stuck, and can't move.

But I fight,
      And I bend,
           And I curl up in a ball and bawl.

Then a hand helps me up.
      And helps me realize who I am.. again.

I am loved.
I am loving.
I am strong.

I am brave.
I am a fighter and I am a lover.

I am unique.
I am rare.

I am creative.
I am created.

I want to be purposeful.

I want to be open, even when I want to be closed.

I cry.
I laugh.

I take care of myself the best I can.

I make decisions.. sometimes bad, sometimes good.. but they are mine.
They are my decisions.
And I will own them.

Because nobody is perfect.
We all want to just be.

I am careful and I am carefree.
There's a little girl inside of me.
Sometimes she likes to play.. sometimes she just wants her blanket.

But I am an adult.
And I am responsible.
And sometimes that's just too much weight.

But again..
I am strong.
I am courageous.

And I am learning.
And I am stepping.. one at a time.. one day, one hour, one minute at a time.
Further into what I don't know yet.

But I trust.
That my steps will not falter if I follow where I believe I should go.
My ankle might twist and sprain.
My knees will pop, my thumbs and wrists and back and hips will become sore from staying upright.
From using my walking sticks.

I am on a journey.
And I am me.

I'm a zebra in a dazzle.

And I am here.

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