Monday, October 18, 2021

oh heck no... "speak and it shall happen"

I saw this conversation while going through my Facebook feed.. meaning this is someone I know.. someone I'm close to. 

"I just blocked someone cuz she told me I must not be a Christian if I had a double mastectomy and did not allow God to be my healer: I allowed the western Drs to do it and that's of the devil.. 
what the what?!?!?"
"I despise the people who claim one doesn't have enough faith to 'cure' their ailments... What a disservice and horrid representation of true Christianity. I'm so sorry.. "

This is NOT of God. 
Science is the learning of what God made. 
Medicine is found from using what earth gives us.
One of God's gifts is the gift of healing, and our minds are meant to learn and to share with others. 

Modern medicine, when used correctly, is an amazing thing to take care of the bodies that fall apart because of SIN. 

DO NOT tell people they don't have enough faith because they ask for help from medical professionals, instead of dying by themselves from something that could have been helped. 

How dare you. 

This is like the whole prophetic word of "you can speak it into existence". Just because you have the capability of saying a word doesn't give you any power to make it happen. 
I can say "I'll be healed by next month", stop taking my meds, stop taking care of myself, and IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. 

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