Thursday, October 7, 2021

Anxiety - dealing with it

 It’s lying to me
Telling me that what I’m doing isn’t enough, so why bother

Telling me that people are tolerating me
But i know better
So I’m pushing back
I’m talking to those people
And seeing for myself that i matter

It’s telling me that my mission field is stupid
And nobody wants to hear about what i believe in
That my faith is stupid

But i know better
So i try harder
And i remind myself that fear is a liar
And that Satan is the Father of it

I disconnect from “expectations” and “requirements”

Give my mind a break from what i feel like I have to do
And literally let myself just feel
And do what i know I’m good at

I’m becoming capable of disconnecting from my anxiety
Instead of letting it overwhelm me
So thankful for the strength that I’ve gained
And the peace that I’m finding
And coping skills I’m adapting to
And the people in my life that show me and tell me not just i can do it.. but I’m doing it.. I’m living it
I’m thriving through it

Dear God, I’m so thankful
And grateful for my journey
Even in the middle of what wants to drag me down
I’m seeing victory
And accomplishment
Through Christ

I’m diving in

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