I'm going to write out exactly what I found in a Bible study on www.bible.com, also known as the Youversion app.
Hit the nail on the head.
Believers are never told to become one; we already are one, and are expected to act like it.
- Joni Eareckson Tada
But it isn't always that easy.
There are so many groups in the Christian community that think their way and their interpretation is the only way. We get bothered about the smallest of things and then get even more bothered when others don't feel the same.
If we would spend more time showing grace to others that we show to ourselves, we would experience more unity among those whom we may not see eye to eye.
So yeah.
Brothers and sisters in Christ.
The jots and tittles of theology and scripture are simple when it comes to what God commands us.
We are not to fight amongst ourselves.
We are to bring His truth to the world in every way.
And yet we allow the devil to congregate his demons in the cracks and crevices that WE create.
Stop making cracks.
Close up the crevices.
Heal the separation of the church and remember why we believe what we believe.
It's all about Jesus.
It's not about you.
There is not to be division in the church.
Stop dividing.
And start mending.
This gives me a visual of the movie Brave, and how Merida took her sword tip and sliced the threads of the beautiful tapestry. We allow ourselves to buy into the lies the devil feeds us, therefore creating threads of doubt and hate among the church as a whole.
Mend the bond torn by pride.
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