Tuesday, May 11, 2021

the existence of God

The idea of the God being the creator of everything is the controversy regarding the cause responsible for the existence of God, presuming God exists. It contests the idea that the universe cannot exist without a creator by asserting that the creator of the universe must have the same restrictions. This, then, may lead to a problem of thinking that each newly presumed creator of a creator is itself presumed to have its own creator. A common challenge to the proposition that the creation must have a creator is then: "Who created God?"

Aseity of God- 
Aseity has two aspects, one positive and one negative: absolute independence and self-existence. In its positive meaning, it affirms that God is completely self-sufficient, having within Himself the sufficient reason for His own existence.
In its positive meaning, it affirms that God is completely self-sufficient, having within Himself the sufficient reason for His own existence. The first concept comes from "the God of philosophers" (the God of the philosophers is the God of the world)
, while the second one comes from "the living God of Revelation" (I Am Who I Am: Exodus 3:14).

(thanks to Wikipedia for helping.)

Omnipotent - He is all powerful. 

Omniscient - He knows everything.. everything that's happened, everything that's going on right now, and everything that will happen.

Omnipresent - He is everywhere, all the time.

He has no beginning, He has no end, He knows everything, He is everywhere, and He is all powerful and all loving. 

God is.. He just is.. He exists outside of our time and space and view of reality. 

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