Friday, December 10, 2021

Therapeutic Gospel vs Biblical Gospel

What is the Biblical Gospel? 
The gospel message is about the Messiah/Christ, Jesus, coming to earth as the Son of the trinity of God, being born of a virgin girl, living a life of perfection so He could spread the truth/news about the grace and mercy and goodness and wrath of God the Father, and then died on the cross, taking all of the sins of all mankind on Himself, so that we can repent of our sins and join God in heaven for all eternity. 

What is the Therapeutic Gospel?
This fake gospel is geared towards making people feel good about themselves, reassuring them that they can be happy, and they are inherently good. There is no need to pray or have a relationship with a creator because you can have everything you want by getting there on your own. You can do anything you want and God will love you, no matter what. Because you're authentic self is what God wants you to be. Be who you are in the inside. Be the real you and God will bless you.

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