Friday, July 16, 2021

Mere Christianity thoughts - truth of Christianity.

Insert from "Mere Christianity" that I think needs to be heard. 

If Christianity is true then it ought to follow (a) that any Christian will be nicer than the same person would be if he were not a Christian, (b) That any man who becomes a Christian will be nicer than he was before. 
Just in the same way, if the advertisements of Whitesmile's toothpaste are true it ought to follow (a) That anyone who uses it will have better teeth than the same person would have if he did not use it. (b) That if anyone begins to use it his teeth will improve. But to point out that I, who use Whitesmile's (and also have inherited bad teeth from both my parents) have not got as fine as set of some healthy young negro who never used any toothpaste at all, does not, by itself, prove that the advertisements are untrue. 
Christian Miss Bates may have an unkinder tongue than unbelieving Dick Firkin. That, by itself, does not tell us whether Christianity works. The question is what Miss Bates's tongue would be like if she were not a Christian and what Dick's would be like if he became one. Miss Bates and Dick, as a result of natural causes and early upbringing, have certain temperaments. 

Something to think about.

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