Monday, November 2, 2020

being worthy, being enough

 I don't understand what this means. 

Being worthy.. of what? for what? because of what? 

Then what? 

Being enough.. enough of what? 

Is this about being whole in yourself and loving yourself and being happy and stuff? 


Maybe it's because I find my worth in God, and I know that Jesus is enough for me.. because He is everything. 

I have my value in my creator.. not in myself. 

As a human being, I can't give myself value. I can love who I am, yes, but worthiness doesn't come from ourselves.. being "enough" doesn't make sense to me, because the word doesn't fit in my brain as a product of myself.

If these words, these "topics" come from the culture of finding happiness in myself and being whole as a person on my own.. that's probably why they don't make sense to me. 

Because in myself, I am nothing. I am just a body that needs to be filled with the Holy Spirit and the message and the love of my Creator.

If I want to find worthiness and being enough of a person on my own, then I have no need for a Savior. And I have no need to detach from Him. If I do that, I am nothing. 

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