Sunday, November 6, 2022

Procrastination, laziness.. or executive dysfunction problems?

Using my notebook everyday to get things done. This helps me remember what needs to be done, what is planned that I have to do, even things like taking a shower because it's something that takes me a lot of energy and mental planning.

Projects that are big, overwhelming - break them into smaller pieces so they are more doable and less challenging.

Sitting there doing nothing because I can't think of what to do, I don't think of what is supposed to be done, I don't remember if something has a deadline, I just have no thought process. I need to have a jumpstart. That usually starts out as me getting my pills taken and getting dressed. I can wander around for hours doing random things here and there, feeling like I'm just walking around in air... until something or someone gives me direction and motivation.

Not starting something that you know needs to be done because it feels scary. Maybe it's something I haven't done before, or will take a lot of focus and I'm not sure I'll be able to put in the time or if I'll get interrupted. Also, any other host of things that could go wrong that I've already rehearsed in my head. Even though it may be something small, it can loom ahead like you're a tiny mouse.


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