Saturday, August 7, 2021

what are hermeneutics? (such a weird word)

definition: it's a branch of knowledge that deals with interpreting things, especially Bible or literary texts. it's a method or a theory of interpretation. 

apparently there are different types of hermen.. new.. ticks :P 
oh boy
this could get long and deep 
(deep and wide.. there's a fountain.. sorry.. back on track *ahem)

literal- a biblical text is to be interpreted according to the “plain meaning” conveyed by its grammatical construction and historical context.

moral- seeks to establish exegetical principles by which ethical lessons may be drawn from the various parts of the Bible.

allegorical- looks for a deeper, spiritual meaning within the text.

anagogical- a method of mystical or spiritual interpretation of statements or events, especially scriptural exegesis, that detects allusions to the afterlife.

I think my mind is about to explode. 
I'll let the scholars do this stuff, and stick to what I'm good at. 

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