last night, my husband and I filmed a wedding an hour away from our home, and we got back after midnight. we had a snack and went to bed, not setting an alarm because we needed the rest.
we ended up getting up just before the kids came home, and we decided to stream church at home. we pulled up Cornerstone Church streaming from Toledo, and then Northridge Friends Church streaming from Texas.
There were a lot of good things that were said, and I would like to share with you some of my notes.
About the social narrative
1. there's a "right handed privilege"
kind of like white privilege, most things are made around being "right handed". not really something we think about, it just is.
it's like having an "in group- bias". we need to open our minds and try to not be exclusive, but be inclusive.
2. renaming people, instead of saying "they" and "them", say "sister" and "brother".
a- Love God with all your heart, mind and soul.
b- love your neighbor as yourself.
(you have to love yourself to love others in a positive, healthy way. if you have a dysfunctional self-love, you have to fix yourself, get help for yourself, before you can help other people love themselves.)
As a Christ follower, going to church is an act of obedience.
We are committed to helping ourselves obey God, we should be committed to helping others obey God.
Who is your neighbor? EVERYONE.
Girls- when you want to have a relationship with someone, just because they say they're a Christian, that doesn't mean anything. You have to test it. Ask them to pray and see what happens.
3. Give "in-group" love to your out-group. People you wouldn't normally surround yourself with and encourage and uplift.. show that love to them.
4. Acknowledge other people's color.
your eyes are the only visible part of your brain- 90% of your brain activity comes from your eyes.
Fred G. Sanford- "colored white"
we are all colored. and as "white" people, we turn even more colors. we tan in the summer, we turn green when we're sick, and we turn red when we're angry or embarrassed.
5. view every conversation as a race consultation.
when we meet someone, our brain automatically assumes things about the individual based on race, voice, demeanor, etc. unfortunately, we find ourselves accepting these initial assumptions as fact. then we have already set a viewpoint of this person based on what our inner selves tell us.
what we should do if you meet someone who is not like you is to consciously hold off and learn from them, try to understand them. be mindful of ourselves.
6. give your hearts to those who are "not like you".
(Pastor Miles McPhearson- Cornerstone)
Passover- is the protection of God.
doing something because of evil (the devil) will never end well.
unfortunately, because we are human (sin nature) we don't tend to change until it hurts.
Exodus 11:4-16
Passover- the lamb's blood, takes away sins.
The parting of the water- Provision of God.
We have to "move on" when God tells us to move on, no matter if we see a way or not.
We have to do things His way.
He will provide a way to move on, but we have to follow it and we have to trust.
We have to move on beyond the fear of our future.
We can plan all we want, but God has a lot more planned for us than we do.
He will provide the steps, you have to follow.
(Stoneridge Christian Church)