Saturday, September 4, 2021

The more we talk about our sins and failures..

The more we can hold each other accountable. And the side effect is the freedom and healing we have in the Holy Spirit. 

 “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

‭‭James‬ ‭5:16‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Find a fellow believer who you trust and prioritize your spiritual health. 


Lies culture tells us about having dreams, wanting our dreams to come true, etc
Versus wanting what God wants for us, being obedient with the talents he's given us
Listening and watching and walking in the way He leads.

We don't have to love the job we have.
What we DO have to do is do the work to the best of our abilities.
Be a light for God wherever we go and whatever we do.
We are a reflection of our creator. 
Are YOU reflecting Him? 
Or are you giving Him a bad name?

And if you don't HAVE a job.. that does not make you less!
Do EVERYTHING to the best of your ability.
Whether that's taking care of yourself,
taking care of other people,
whatever the case may be!

To work is not a curse. 
God gave Adam instructions to work and take care of the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 2:15)
Work is a blessing!
That means it's good!
It's GOOD to be able to put your "hand to the plough", so to speak.
Now, because of SIN, work will be hard, painful, and sometimes fruitless.
But being able to and doing work itself is a good thing.

People are meant to work, but there is no guarantee of success. 
We are created to reap what we sow, to glean goodness from what we've planted.
To be productive, to use our strength, God-given talents 
and what we know to make the world a better place. 
Proverbs talks about spending your time wisely and not being lazy.
It is actually a sin to sit and do nothing, because you are not using what you have.

Those who are physically and mentally unable should not feel threatened by this, either. 
God knows those limitations, and He still has a plan for us.
We all need to be needed.
It's in us.
But as long as we remember that we need God before anything else,
we are on the right track.

find these words/lyrics - EARWORM!

These words sound familiar, like lyrics.
Because Point of Grace put out a song called "Any Road, Any Cost"

This verse and those lyrics speak mountains of truth about who we should be as Christians. 
Down Any Road
At Any Cost
Wherever You Lead We Will Follow

Too much research, too much information..

No joke, man! 
As I have researched and studied different things, I've noticed I become exhausted and confused and I ty to understand the perspectives, but it makes me doubt what I know for myself. 
Not just that, it literally effects my mental health, physical health and emotional state of mind. 
There are way too many opinions and worldviews. 
The more I study my own faith, and learn the different aspects of it, the more fulfilled and at peace and the more I know myself and connect within myself to my Creator. 


Christians and the choice to have kids

Notice I said the CHOICE to have kids. 

This is about the culture we are living in that tells us that we should put our own desires before the calling of what God wants in our lives. 

Some of us feel the nudge and the calling to have children, but we want everything to be line first, so we decide (subconsciously) selfishly that we want to have control over when and where this happens. Whereas, this is something that God should be in control over, because His plan is perfect, and ours is not. 

There is a difference between our planning our lives vs what we feel God is calling us to do at certain pointes. There is a different between being infertile and struggling with the want to be a biological parent vs God possibly calling us to try different avenues, like adoption, surrogacy or other means. 

Psalm 127:3-5 -- Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court. 

practice being still

This comes from a Bible study I recently did on, AKA the YouVersion app

Stillness is a discipline that takes continual, conscious practice, but the act of stillness sharpens our sense and makes us more aware of God's presence in our present circumstances. 

How to practice being still - three actions. 

1. Acknowledge your limitations. (What are you feeling? It's okay to not feel okay. Learn to process through your feelings and allow yourself to feel them and let them go.)

2. Lay down your expectations. (What's making you feel anxious or afraid? Visual yourself putting those things in a box and handing it over to God. Ask Him to replace those things with reminders of His promises.)

3. Pick up God's declarations. (Spend time going over the promises He gives you in return. Ask Him to show you which ones to focus on for that day.)