i've been realizing more and more that there are things that i just really want to do before I meet my maker.
i guess a "bucket list" sort of mentality.
and i have already been checking some of these things off! :)
i wanted a cartilege piercing in my ear.. did it in high school.
i wanted to pierce a hole in my own ear.. did it in high school.
i wanted to play an instrument really well.. did it in high school.
but there are more things that i'm able to do now that i'm a bit older.
wanted to color my hair.. i've slightly done it ;) lol.
i swore i would never bleach my hair.. but i'm thinking it might be fun just to bleach the tips and ad some fun color to it.
i might actually break my "no bleaching" rule.
i wanted to get a nose ring.. did it 4 years ago.
i wanted to travel and go on mission trips.. have been able to do both of those together 3 times now.. and i'm about to do it again.
i'm still trying to get my first tattoo.. and now i want TWO. lol. planning at least one this summer.
i wanted to lose my baby weight.. started working at that 3 years ago.. the weight is off, now just trying to continually maintain that. and i'm feeling better now that i'm in a smaller size. :)
i would like a real diamond ring.. it's coming. ;) not sure how soon, but it's coming.
i wanted to have and drive a purple Harley Davidson.. i got it last year, and i've driven it quite a bit. SUPER proud of myself for that one.. got a good deal, made a new friend, and i'm conquering a fear at the same time. and i don't have to worry about getting in an accident with it.. i've already done that HAHA. :) (slid going around a corner and landed in a muddy ditch.. don't worry, no harm was done. AND i've tipped it a time or two.. dang balance)
i want to visit Alaska.
i want to go on a cruise.
i want to zip-line.
i want to climb a rock wall.
i want to go to a bed and breakfast.
i want to have a $0 balance on my Kohls charge card.. it's happening next month :D only 16 more days and i can buy something HAHA.
i want to look in a bikini, even if i never wear one in public. (totally personal thing, but hey, it's important for ME to feel that.)
i want a purple and silver coach purse.
i want to go to Florida.. once. lol.
i want to vacation in Italy.
i want to go to Jerusalem and see some of the placed Jesus was.
i want to make a really fancy dress for one of my girls.
and the main thing, during all of this, i want to live a Godly life..
there are some things that i want to do only because of my sinful nature.. those things can just go burn in hell.
i'm stronger than that.