Tuesday, September 15, 2015

new and new

so as MANY of you know by now.. we have moved!!

we are finally stepping into a new chapter of our lives called "home owners"..
and at the same time i'm stepping into a new chapter called "new job"..
and my girls are stepping into a new chapter called "new school". lol. :)

it's been a big transition in many ways.

but my goodness.. is it ever a good feeling!

it's been strange getting to know a new job.. i worked at Kohls for 5.5 years, going from housekeeping to cashier to customer service. and finding out that i LOVE customer service.

i stepped down from my volunteer position at church on the praise team about a year ago now, and i've been gradually getting back into volunteering.. but i'm now in the nursery with the babies. ;)

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